I live with a professional criminal. A very skilled sock-stealer to be exact.
Our dog has spent the last 8 years perfecting her stealth-like, sock-stealing skills. And unfortunately, what we are always left with is one good sock and one with a hole chewed right through it.
When I came across this book in the craft section of a store, a light bulb went off in my head! It gave me the perfect idea of how to turn all our single socks into something useful. I didn't buy the book (because it's on my wish list); but I had an old issue of Martha Stewart Kids from 2003, which had a similar pattern inside that I loosely followed for this project.
The diagram above is my attempt to help you follow along!
Here's what you will need:
2 socks (the same size)
Needle and thread to match.
First, sew the main body and leg pieces. They need to be sewn inside out, leaving a big enough gap for you to be able to turn the socks the right side out after sewing. Once this is done, you can stuff those pieces.
After you are done stuffing, you can then close the gap.
Next, sew the two front legs in exactly the same way, then stuff, and then attach them to the body.
Once you have done this, you can place the head on to the neck and attach the bottom of the head to the body.
Make sure to stuff this piece from the front of the face and then sew it together.
After this, I sewed the ears and then attached them without any stuffing - for more of a floppy look.
Finally I used some embroidery floss to create the the eyes and mouth.
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