Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's a boy thing

Today my son seemed very eager to celebrate his Dad's Birthday and to present him with the badly wrapped gift that arrived just in the nick of time. He still continued to be excited even after we'd had a mini "spat" over the issue of who was going to wrap the gift . My son thought that I should wrap it and cleverly backed himself up with a neat, logical argument involving the words "older" and therefore "better at it". I thought he should do it and tried to explain my total lack of skill in the wrapping department which render him - even at his age, much more competent than me. I went on to explain that I was just not "gifted" (no pun intended) in many ways and that even though I'd now lived to a ripe old age of forty, my artistic and basic construction skills were frozen at the three year old level.
Needless to say, he won. I wrapped it.

Well. The gift itself is an electric shaver or razor - for men. When opened, it will represent Donald's emergence into the Twenty First Century, after using my fifteen- year-old hair clippers to remove his lip and chin stubble since as long as I've known him.
It is a "step up" for him but a silent sigh from me as, to be honest, I think he looks much better with a small sprinkling of facial fuzz rather than having that Kojak chin which reflects the midday sun in a peculiar fashion. But I digress...

I could not work out why my son was so happy about his Dad's Birthday - especially given that we'd had to stop everything yesterday and throw a party for his newly emerging Pubic Hair. I mean ... we'd already had one peachy (again, no pun intended) party this weekend.
But then it hit me!! Of course!!
After yesterday's jaw-dropping discovery - (please note, I could have made some quip about ball-dropping here but resisted). But after yesterday's impressive discovery and with a newly acquired certainty that he is now ascending to the heights of Man-hood at a testosterone-induced rate, it became clear that it is NOT the idea of the Birthday that is appealing to him but the idea of SHAVING that is grabbing him by the short and curlies.

Oh's all making sense now!


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