Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Proof Is In The Pudding

I'm thinking that the look on Jack's face as he is inhaling his chocolate cake totally explains the pre-cake annoyance, the post-cake desperation and the need to "work it off" in withdrawals.

My lovely and most delightful eleven year old son is a pronounced and shameless chocolate addict.

And the proof is in the pudding!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009


After fourteen hours of gruesome labor, enough drugs to wipe out a Colombian Cartel and an eventual, late night C-Section - I heard the words that every new mother waits nine months to hear:

"He's a CONE-HEAD!!"

Those were the first words out of Donald's mouth.

I cried like a Baby.
As did Jack.

And I was SOOOoooooo, so, so, so sure that I'd given birth to the most wonderful and handsome boy ever.

AND, my dearest Jack, I still AM!!!!


I Love You More Than Anyone In The Whole World!


P.S. Jack - check out Mia Zucca

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Da Ya Know ... ?

If I hadn't gone to the grocery store today and cruised past the liquor isle, spotting a bottle of Mad Housewife Wine ... I would NEVER have remembered that today is my 13th Wedding Anniversary!!!!!!

I think the fact that it took the words "Mad Housewife" - emblazoned on a bottle of alcohol - to spark the actual memory, speaks VOLUMES about what the day means ....

I'm ordering everyone to have a drink on me tonight!!


Monday, February 23, 2009

Back To The Rebuttal



I concede.

There actually IS one place where Donald may have an ever-so-slight and barely recognizable resemblance
to Bono ...

But PLEASE keep in mind that this is an "Alternate Universe."
It's the World of Wii.
Not even when we give his Avatar the Zoo TV effect !!!

Saying that.
I DO think that my own Avatar bears a REMARKABLE likeness to myself ...

Don't you think ... ??

Those big blue eyes ...
Those ruby red lips ...



Saturday, February 21, 2009


GO and Rock The Shazbah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We've added a little motivation music for you...
A little something to get you in the mood... (if you still need it after getting an eye full of those fine hunky-dunks)

Turn your speakers on.
Pour a glass of wine.
Click on the link.
And get transported back to the glory days as you prepare to hit the town!!

Love and Hugs xxxxxxx

Friday, February 20, 2009

Fun Fact Friday!

Listen up!
How's THIS for a Fun Fact?

I'm sure that the ridiculous hoo-ha over Barack Obama and the "scandal" known as "Arugula-Gate" is still as fresh today, in many peoples' minds, as the produce displayed in most vegetable Isles.
But for those of us who's memories might more aptly reside in the waste bin - I'll give you a quick refresher...

During the recent course of campaigning for President, candidate Obama was making a statement about rising food prices when he innocently referred to the increased cost of Arugula at Whole Foods.
This admission - confirming that Barack Obama was a well informed man who had knowledge of a food source other than jerked beef and grits, who understood the concept of healthy eating and who knew that foods other than boxed Mac and Cheese were, in fact, available to the general U.S. population for regular consumption - landed him in the middle of a politically fueled, cultural feud that labeled him an "elitist."

Apparently - for some folks - a well educated man is not the kind of man best suited to serve America. That is ... that an intelligent and literate man who had actually stepped foot into a food store rather than have "wifey" put the pot on the stove and do her usual magic with whatever was most recently baited and trapped, was "not good enough" to be the average guys' president. Or more accurately ... was actually "too good" to be the average guys' president - in the minds of those who were making the fuss.

In hindsight, this reaction could be classed as somewhat understandable, coming from a nation who had become accustomed to a low I.Q President with embarrassing speech deficits and a total ignorance of the world around him. We had, after all, been operating under the influence of eight years of George W Bush.

But no matter the reason, the fact was that one innocuous mention of a green, leafy vegetable nearly sparked a cultural feud more befitting of the days of the Wild, Wild West!

The mention of Arugula had Rednecks spitting teeth faster than their newborns could gum tobacco. There arose a multitude of slogans convincing people to vote "McCain/Palin" - To vote for true Americans and NOT girlishly skinny, terrorist imposters going by the name of Barack Hussein Obama. Obama slurs were being thrown around like a new Bride at a Ho Down.
The whole incident actually spawned an advertising campaign, touting:
"Real Men eat Iceberg" ...

But out of decency I will refrain from commentary on this and will get to the FUN fact for Friday!

So ...

It turns out that history actually does repeat itself - in oddly coincidental ways.
You see, although Barack Obama is the first Black American President, he is NOT the first American President to be charged with the "crime" of class antagonism via culinary fondness for "elitist" vegetables.

No Sirree Bob. That honor was originally bestowed upon Martin Van Buren. The Eighth President of the United States!

I discovered, whilst reading Bill Bryson's historical account of the American Language - written long before Obama appeared on the scene - that Martin Van Buren suffered a similar fate to Obama and "was ousted from the Presidency in 1840" mainly because one of his Whig opponents made a spiteful speech attacking Van Buren for serving "delicate and UNMANLY fare" in the White House.
He'd served strawberries, cauliflower and celery!!!

Ironically, on a side note, Van Buren's fruit-and-veggie-mocking opponent and Presidential successor, William Henry Harrison, contracted pneumonia during his inauguration. A fate he may have avoided had he eaten at Van Buren's vitamin packed table. He got ill and "with an alarming haste - expired." He lasted as President for just 30 days, spending most of that time unconscious.
But at least he had an excuse for not being awake at the wheel ... unlike some Presidents. Mentioning no names - Mr. Bush.

Anyway. Back to the Fun...
For those of you who like your coinkydinks at two for the price of one ... it's your lucky day because there's more ...
Yes. There is another coincidental fact linking the two Presidents in history ...

As it turns out, Van Buren's Presidency was plagued with the same problems as Obama's. Van Buren's administration was largely characterized by the ECONOMIC HARDSHIP of his time, entitled in hindsight: The Panic of 1837!
The "Panic" was a period in the U.S. when the "bubble burst" in New York City and when EVERY BANK STOPPED PAYMENTS. The failure of the banks and record unemployment levels led to a five year depression!

Now. I'm not saying that just because these two Presidents experienced mutual food bigotry and were both the inheritors of similar financial woes that it therefore follows that Obama will also get us out of our current economic depression in the five year time period that it took Van Buren to do so.

But it would be nice ...

And I'm also not saying that just because these two Presidents were similarly mocked by opponents who didn't recognize a fine tasting vegetable when one rose up and smacked them in the face, that they too would then die within 30 days of the inauguration, should he or she be voted in next time.

But ... it would make for one hell of a bizarre story ... would it not?


Disclaimer - absolutely NO animals were hurt during the making of this post.
And absolutely NO deathly threats or harmful wishes were made or ever will be made to or directed towards any perspective or actual Presidential candidate or President.
Thank you.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Before and After

I wasn't going to post anything today because time got away from me this morning and my afternoon just flew by. I figured, given that it's going to get dark out soon, I would just wait until tomorrow.

But my Son came home with a different plan!
And he insisted that I do his "before and after idea" that he's been wanting me to post for a while.

So I agreed - but thought I'd add a twist.

Look at the photos above.

We have ONE "before" picture
and we have ONE "after" picture.

Here's the twist ... like the Chicken and the Egg ...


Was the food put on the plate "before" the first photo was taken; and then eaten,wiping the plate clean,for the second photo?
Did we start by taking the photo of an empty and clean plate and then add the food "after" to take the photo of a plate that is full?

My brain hurts again!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Craft: 3D Card

I recently found this really fun and super easy tutorial for making these 3D flower pop-up cards.
All you need is one sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper, a pair of scissors and some double-sided sticky tape.
Note: I used cardstock. It is harder to work with; but I thought the results were more professional.

If you'd like to make the cards following the same tutorial I used, then go here.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Holy Cow!

I just read this headline in the Guardian today:


Apparently, the well known Dairy Milk Chocolate makers are going to work with farmers to reduce the amount of emissions coming from cows belching out methane and will encourage its cows to burp less to reduce their carbon footprint.

Hmmnn ...

Do you think they could come and work with my Husband as well?


Monday, February 16, 2009

No Hope!

My son was in a store trying to purchase a gift for me for Valentine's Day.
He wanted another Willow Tree Figurine - on a par with the last one he'd bought for me, which was a Mother and her Young Son. Only this time he was looking for the son to be "older". Much like himself. And with NO wings. He knows I couldn't handle wings.

So he found the one he'd been wanting and asked the lady if he could have it. But for some reason there wasn't a matching box. This seemed to distress the lady who began shouting "No son!" "I have no son!" "I've even looked in the back but I can't find a son!"

Not wanting to cause any more fuss, Jack saw another figurine. Not what he had wanted. But it would do.
Not as "tall" as he had hoped - but the general idea still fit his criteria.
His next choice was called "Hope".

So he nicely asked the lady for the second choice and she went to package it up.

Within seconds he noticed that she was once again in distress.
And despite the statistical improbability, she did not seem to have a box for this one either!

Now she was getting really upset.

She began yelling again.
"There's No Hope!" "There's No Hope!" "I can't see any Hope!".
"What do you want to do if there's No Hope?"

My son just asked her to wrap it in some paper and told her that he did not need the box to give Hope as my gift!!

But boy! Have we been getting some hard belly laughs out of this all weekend!!!!

And despite what she was saying, we still think that there is hope out there somewhere!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sweet Valentine

My Dove chocolate heart said:
"Be Your Own Valentine."

Well ... Mr. Chocolate Dove man who writes sentimental messages inside tin foil wrappers ...

Was there EVER any question of that ... ????


Friday, February 13, 2009

Trash Talking Friday

At last!
It kind of warmed up a little over the past day or two.

Not a lot ...
But a little ...

Enough of a temperature raise to at least melt away the outer layer of snow from the fifty foot mound that blankets the grounds of my Castle.

Oh what joy!

What a sight to behold!

For now ... I can see the saucepan and the mittens. The bike wheel and the cigarette butts. The dog turds and the hub-caps. The roof tiles and the empty twelve-packs and a whole host of other colorful crap left lying in my neighbors' Trailer Trash Yard.

How wonderfully fabulous!


For FUN this weekend - should the warming trend continue and I sincerely hope it does - we are going to be placing a few friendly bets ...

And here they are:

Bet # 1). To see how long it takes for last years' unexploded fireworks to rear their soggy heads.
Bet # 2). To see whether the neighbors will try to re-light said fireworks again, as they did the year before. (So, I'm thinking the odds are good here. I'm going for a definite "yes").
Bet # 3). To see how soon they go for the re-light. Can they wait for July 4th? Or will they break down in a frenzy during their annual celebration of the day when "Bud" finally introduced the "Lite"?
Bet # 4). Will those Hub-caps resume their role as make-shift frisbees this year?
Or will they miraculously find their way back to the car from which they came? My guess here is a tentative "no". I was going to go for a cautious "maybe" - but the car wheels became invisible as the vehicle sank in the mud. And you know the old phrase? Out of sight. Out of mind.

Holy Mother of God. The excitement is almost too much!!

I guess now I know why gambling can be so addictive!



Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oh, really?

After three gazillion years of marriage, I finally found out this morning that I DO have something in common with my Mother-In-Law!!!!
That is, besides the fact that we have both, at one time or another, wiped the same guy's ass and cleaned up the same guy's saliva.

But anyway.

My "real" Husband was talking to his Mom today on the phone. A call he had made to find out about a possible health scare with his Dad.
And because MY son had been privvy to the saga, my husband decided to put the call on "speaker phone".

To cut a long story short, it turns out that there is nothing to worry about.

But during the course of delivering this good news, I heard my M-I-L say these resonating words about her husband ... She announced:
"It's a complete nightmare living with this man! My life with him has been so hard and stressful! Day in! Day out!"
She then added " NO ONE could EVER imagine how horrible it has been for me!"

Urm... Hello?


Are you at all familiar with the old phrase - like Father, like son?
And for that matter - like Mom too?

Ha ... "can't imagine ..." ?

... Oh, REALLY ... ??????????


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Craft: Mood Lighting

There's nothing I love more than a nicely lit room, all soft and glowing and flattering to the face. I love the warm glow that tree lights give off. So today we made mini Chinese paper lanterns in shades of pink for Valentine's Day and fixed them on to the tree lights.
I used some scrap booking paper I got at JoAnn because the weight of the paper was perfect and the patterns are great.

Text weight paper
Strand of tree lights

1. Cut out strips of paper that are 2 1/2 " x 5 1/2"
2. Fold these paper strips in half
3. Then cut slits in the fold - but do not go all the way to the edge - (see my photo)
4. Next, put glue on one end and wrap the other end around so that each end comes together and sticks, to make the lantern
5. Finally, cut thin strips of paper about 3" long
6. Use these strips to glue the lanterns on to the lights


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Without any hesitation, I feel that I MUST use the high profile status and world-wide forum of this blog to rebut my dear, dear friend and her misguided comments on our other
Blog: Mia Zucca .

Although my love for her will never, ever wane - even when she is in her most delusional of moments (as she must obviously have been whilst watching the Grammy's the other day) - I feel duty bound and guided by the moral hand of truth when I declare unto you that my "real" Husband - AKA Bono - looks NOTHING like my "actual" Husband.
Not even on the days when my corneas have been torched and my retinas scoured.

And furthermore, that my dearest friend - despite her claims of sobriety - must, in all honesty, have been lawfully intoxicated or at the very least under the despicable spell of SOME form of hallucinogenic ... even if not detectable by the usual blood or urine standards. And even if ingested unknowlingly.

Cathy. My dear. I speak to you calmly.
It was just the glasses!
And perhaps the "strut" was just your memory playing tricks on you. No doubt you were confusing this "strut" with the awkward manner of ambulation adopted by Donald after consuming a Boddington's beer ... when he is trying his hardest to defiantly get to the fridge for his second beer without looking like the light-weight drinker that he really is.
Not like my "real" husband, may I add ... whom I'm sure could and would handle his liquor in a tremendously manly fashion.

Please. For all the viewers and listeners out there. Look at the photos posted above.

The defense rests.

I DO agree with you, however, that M.I.A. looked spectacular - despite some reviews to the contrary. (But what do these people know?)
And I would also like to concur with your thoughts regarding Alison Krauss. Hastening to add that the new album, Raising Sand, with Robert Plant is a work of pure genius.
In fact. You all should buy it or listen to it here.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Weekend Workout

And no folks ...
I truly did NOT do any form of exercise over the weekend - or anything whatsoever that may have come even remotely close to an activity resembling the slightest amount of physical exertion.

I did do a workout, though...

I worked out that IF you were to eat ALL your recommended daily allowances of vitamins and minerals; and if you were to consume the recommended amounts of iron, calcium, fiber, "good" carbs, mono-unsaturated fats, fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, oils, protein, whole grains, omega 3's, 6's, 9's, spices, herbs, thermogenics, cholesterol zappers, metabolism boosters and all the anti-oxidants it would take to regenerate your cells on a daily basis ... even if you were to combine foods and reduce them to bare minimums ...

Or something like that amount.

And there would not be ONE Lamb Kebab or Chocolate Cake included.



Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Craft: Spud Love

The potato is so versatile and there are few people out there that don't love them but when was the last time you printed with one? It's an easy and inexpensive way to get great results. Something wonderful happens when the paint meets the potato starch and voila, a really nice print.

In the spirit of Valentine's day we are printing hearts on t-shirts. Today I took two of g's plain shirts and turned them into something she can wear on Valentine's Day.

What you'll need:
Fabric Paint
Cookie cutter (or you can draw freehand)
Knife and spoon for carving
Embroidery floss (optional)
Sheet of paper or cardboard

Cookie cutters work really well, you just simply push them through the potato. We used both the negative and positive sides to print on the shirts.
If you are carving the potato you might want to etch the outline of the heart into the potato first and then carve away the heart shape.
Next, spread some fabric paint out on a plate or pallet and stamp the potato in the paint. Do a practice stamp or two on some paper first so that you get the feel of it.
Before you actually do the printing, slip a piece of paper or cardboard inside the shirt so that the paint does not seep through to the back side.
Once you are ready, carefully press the potato down on the shirt.
Lift off slowly so that you do not move or smear the paint.

After our shirts dried, I used embroidery floss to create French knots around the heart. If you don't know how to make French knots there is a nice video tutorial here. c.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Two Wheeled Trivia

I was listening to one of Bill Bryson's History Books on CD as I cooked supper the other day.

Did you know that the term "Road Hog" was originally applied in 1893 to describe Bicyclists?!!

Can you imagine how narrow the roads must have been back then to have a svelte piece of metal with two paltry wheels hindering people from getting by?

It boggles the mind ...


Monday, February 2, 2009

What Superbowl?

The Pittsburgh Steelers may have set a record last evening when they won The Superbowl Title for the sixth time.

But that was of no concern to me.

I set a record of my own.

I do pride myself on my consistent and insistent avoidance of this, the All-American of all American games; but yesterday I even outdid myself!

Despite the Television saturation of everything and anything football.
Despite being bombarded for weeks with party ideas and tips.
Despite my son's continuous rambling of all that is game related;
and despite the fact that I cooked a grand bowl of super supper and whipped up a half time dessert that would have made the crowd go
wild ...

I managed to successfully avoid every damn minute of the game.

For that I am proud.
And I even won a prize!
I made a bet with my son that the Steelers would win with a score of 27.
And that's EXACTLY what they did!!
Or at least this is what I am told - since I'm now avoiding all post-game coverage too!
