According to some blurb I just read about the ancient art of tea leaf reading, the need for patience cannot be too strongly impressed upon those who are beginning to learn the language of tea-leaves.
For apparently, some of the most interesting symbols are very, very small and will certainly be missed by the "seer" who is in a hurry!!
But fear not my sisters in search of speedy solutions via steeped serendipity!
Good Earth has provided an answer!
Through the creation of one little tea bag with one little tea tag , Good Earth has altered our paths forever.
And at long last, divination by tea-leaves, or tasseography divination as it is known to those "in the biz," is no longer off limits to novices like ourselves!!!
Patience - shmatience.
Symbolism - pimbalism.
Tea leaves? Who needs'em?
Let our drains flow freely!
For today, "the way" hangs on the end of a string instead of being buried at the bottom of a smelly, wet cup.
I say we all celebrate with a nice cup o' tea!
Trust thyself only, and another shall not betray thee.
Thomas Fuller (1608 - 1661)
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