Wherever you go in the world today, there are many important issues that need to be addressed with varying degrees of urgency.
And although countless households around the globe find themselves asking an assortment of critical and compelling questions on a daily basis, I think there is
ONE universal topic of inquiry to which we all crave an answer.
And that is:
My sources say no.
But others beg to differ.
And, as with any other timeless argument that has been debated throughout the ages, we have the usual philosophical entourage ...
Believers and Deniers.
Subscribers and Agnostics.
Purists and Relativists.
Realists and Skeptics.
And of course, we have those who question the very existence of the elbow itself.
We have some who ask: "if the elbow really
does exist, then where is the exact location? Is all the elbow bone? Or is all the bone elbow?"
And others who want to know: "If your lick lands
near the bone but not
on the bone, have you really licked your elbow or did you merely lick your skin?"
There's The Old Wives Tale - if you can lick it, you will live forever.
The Urban Legend - if you
DO lick it, you will turn in to the opposite sex. (Could save a fortune on surgery if true).
And then we have myself, who often asks, "If I lick my own elbow and no one is around to see it, did I really lick it at all?"
But no matter what our disagreements may have been in the past, I think that
THIS is the weekend we should put an end to all the uncertainty and get a definitive answer once and for all.
So for those of you who'd like to see a group of boys and girls giving it a go,
look here.L