At last!
It kind of warmed up a little over the past day or two.
Not a lot ...
But a little ...
Enough of a temperature raise to at least melt away the outer layer of snow from the fifty foot mound that blankets the grounds of my Castle.
Oh what joy!
What a sight to behold!
For now ... I can see the saucepan and the mittens. The bike wheel and the cigarette butts. The dog turds and the hub-caps. The roof tiles and the empty twelve-packs and a whole host of other colorful crap left lying in my neighbors' Trailer Trash Yard.
How wonderfully fabulous!
For FUN this weekend - should the warming trend continue and I sincerely hope it does - we are going to be placing a few friendly bets ...
And here they are:
Bet # 1). To see how long it takes for last years' unexploded fireworks to rear their soggy heads.
Bet # 2). To see whether the neighbors will try to re-light said fireworks again, as they did the year before. (So, I'm thinking the odds are good here. I'm going for a definite "yes").
Bet # 3). To see how soon they go for the re-light. Can they wait for July 4th? Or will they break down in a frenzy during their annual celebration of the day when "Bud" finally introduced the "Lite"?
Bet # 4). Will those Hub-caps resume their role as make-shift frisbees this year?
Or will they miraculously find their way back to the car from which they came? My guess here is a tentative "no". I was going to go for a cautious "maybe" - but the car wheels became invisible as the vehicle sank in the mud. And you know the old phrase? Out of sight. Out of mind.
Holy Mother of God. The excitement is almost too much!!
I guess now I know why gambling can be so addictive!
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