Without any hesitation, I feel that I MUST use the high profile status and world-wide forum of this blog to rebut my dear, dear friend and her misguided comments on our other
Blog: Mia Zucca .
Although my love for her will never, ever wane - even when she is in her most delusional of moments (as she must obviously have been whilst watching the Grammy's the other day) - I feel duty bound and guided by the moral hand of truth when I declare unto you that my "real" Husband - AKA Bono - looks NOTHING like my "actual" Husband.
Not even on the days when my corneas have been torched and my retinas scoured.
And furthermore, that my dearest friend - despite her claims of sobriety - must, in all honesty, have been lawfully intoxicated or at the very least under the despicable spell of SOME form of hallucinogenic ... even if not detectable by the usual blood or urine standards. And even if ingested unknowlingly.
Cathy. My dear. I speak to you calmly.
It was just the glasses!
And perhaps the "strut" was just your memory playing tricks on you. No doubt you were confusing this "strut" with the awkward manner of ambulation adopted by Donald after consuming a Boddington's beer ... when he is trying his hardest to defiantly get to the fridge for his second beer without looking like the light-weight drinker that he really is.
Not like my "real" husband, may I add ... whom I'm sure could and would handle his liquor in a tremendously manly fashion.
Please. For all the viewers and listeners out there. Look at the photos posted above.
The defense rests.
I DO agree with you, however, that M.I.A. looked spectacular - despite some reviews to the contrary. (But what do these people know?)
And I would also like to concur with your thoughts regarding Alison Krauss. Hastening to add that the new album, Raising Sand, with Robert Plant is a work of pure genius.
In fact. You all should buy it or listen to it here.
1 comment:
After seeing the cold hard evidence I have no choice but to concede. (Did you have to get up so darn close for that photo!?)
You've made my afternoon, thanks for being so f*@#ing hysterical.
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