I can not tell you how many times I stared at this Test Card as a child.
I was convinced that the girl in the middle was me.
I should elaborate further here and tell you that I was convinced that many faces in famous places were me ... ranging from advertising photos to roles with Norman Wisdom in the Old Black and White Movies.
I used to wonder why I did not remember actually being there for the photo-op or at the movie set; but told myself that my parents - (if they really were my parents) - must have drugged me or hypnotized me somehow so that my fame would not interfere with my normal life.
I'd like to say that this phase withered proportionally as my body continued to grow - but there was another stage that emerged before puberty finally hit.
A stage where I was certain that my life was being filmed.
For whom? I do not know.
But those hidden cameras were taking the best of shots as they were capturing every moment "Live from The Living Room" at Bowston - where my mouth was usually somewhere very close to a microphone.
I'm sure there is much to be made of these admissions.
But I'm not in the mood for that today.
I put the Test Screen up as a way to indicate that I'm starting my Fun Day Friday right now - so please, stand by or check back next week!
P.S. Here is a link to the BBC Test Card Gallery and History. It's worth a look for some fun this Friday!
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