Friday, January 23, 2009

Not so fun Friday

I know I probably talk about age, or the fun of aging, a bit more than some other (normal) people ... but I think it is because I hit the 40 mark last year - and I really noticed a serious difference between the "before" and "after". Almost as if, at the stroke of Midnight on that fateful day, my skin and bones let out a serious sigh of relief and walked off the job forever.
Never to return.
And now I have no help in keeping the wrinkles at bay and the bags from sagging.

Thus, like a hopeless idiot - or perhaps just a desperate idiot - I signed up last week on to get some "helpful tips on staying youthful".
Now, I'm not talking plastic surgery or botox or the like. Just, you know, eating habits, exercise tips and perhaps a bit of information on skin care, since I must be the only person in the Northern Hemisphere who does not cleanse or tone or wear sun-screen.
Shame on me.
However, if you knew my husband, you might understand my sunscreen rebellion.
But I digress.

So. This Fun Friday morning I went onto the site to check out the advice from Oprah's Friends (that's what they are called on her site - "Oprah's Friends").

The mission?
To feel better about myself.
Thinking that if I could work to increase my self esteem, then the rest would fall into place.

With the morning still being no where near from over, I had found out - courtesy of Dr. Oz's Real Age test - that I'm many years older than what the calendar actually tells me.
And for that, Dr. Oz, I thank you.
But then, as if that wasn't bad enough, I pointed and clicked on this little article about aging (some of which I have copied for you here):

You will probably get a full coat of down on your face, and a long stray hair here and there on your chin. The hair on your head will probably get thin, as will your eyebrows and eyelashes. (Oh, I nearly forgot—your pubic hair, too.) You'll get spots on your hands and bunions on your feet. Your nose and ears may appear to have grown out of proportion to your face. And that expression "long in the tooth" will endearingly apply to you: A receding gum line will make your teeth look bigger.…

Basically then - at that very moment when my teeth become a tool for drawing side-walk art without bending over - my mirror will be reflecting a balding but bearded Real-Life Mr. Potato Head. Complete with mouldy,rotten brown spots; deep, irreversible shriveling; and a myriad of toxic sprouts.

My self esteem has been boosted.

Happy Fun Day Friday, Everyone.


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