You have GOT to be kidding me!!!!!!
Take a look at this because it's a Fun Day Friday Faux Pas if ever I've seen one.
According to today's Guardian, Boy George is going on a fifteen month hiatus courtesy of Her Majesty. That is, fifteen months in The Slammer for falsely imprisoning a male escort by handcuffing him to a wall and beating him with a metal chain.
It's not the fact that his male "escort" was acquired via a website called "Gaydar."
And it's not the fact that the escort was invited into Boy George's bedroom after a naked photo session, during which they took cocaine.
It's not even the fact that there was a handy, dandy box of leather straps, chains and sex toys conveniently lying around, which - and I'm going to go out on a limb here - just might possibly have been there to inflict a teeny-weeny, insy-winsy little bit of flirtatious pain on a naked, coked-up escort from "Gaydar"...
But, No! It's not any of those things...
It's the fact that in an esteemed court of law, in a high profile case, where special care should be taken in the choosing of one's words, that the Prosecution was allowed to ask this question of the jury ... They asked:
"Did he really have to hurt him?"
Aw - come on!
Where's the Due Process here?
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury ... I OBJECT!
P.S. Just to take the irony a step further, sneak a peek at the beginning of the original video ... do you think Boy George could see into his future?
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