I was bouncing around, all over the internet yesterday, looking for holiday recipes and fun things to do when I came across this festive project on a web site called Bethany Actually. It seemed like a perfect craft for the season - and so we decided to give it a try and made the first card by following her tutorial.
We began by gluing tissue paper and sequins on to some foil and then we cut out tree shapes to glue on to the cards. We went on to make the majority of the designs by recycling old gift-wrap scraps, used magazines and some water color paintings little g. did a while ago.
FYI: We tried using paper as the base instead of the foil but that didn't work too well.
We also discovered that Glue-Sticks work best for gluing the paper to the foil; and regular Elmer's glue works best for the sequins.
We thought that these would make nice cards for little g. to give directly to her family and friends. It was also a great way to get little g, and maybe other children, into the spirit of recycling!
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