'Tis the season - and will be for another four months or so - where I have to come up with plenty of ideas for in-home entertainment because no one in my house "does the cold" very well. And when I say cold, I mean Wisconsin Winter Cold - where on a good day it may say Zero on the thermometer but where the wind wants no part of that namby-pamby reading. It is not uncommon for the wind chill to get into the minus 30's and 40's range for days at a time. The windows freeze and we often get snow on the inside of them even though the house is modern and well insulated - except for one closet ... which I will get to in a minute.
Tonight we are expecting twelve to fourteen inches of snow.
So, when you're favorite pass time is not counting how quickly knobs freeze from Brass Monkeys and when you think that ice fishing is what you do when your cubes go down the plug hole instead of into your drink and when the word "ski" is just an extra three letters that you place on the end of a word whilst using a Russian accent - then this is not the time when most of your activities are out-doors.
As you can probably infer from my badly taken photograph, I brought a new game into the home this weekend. Another game to stack on top of the other three hundred and sixty three games that we already have in our un-insulated game closet. It is a game in it's own right when we play "who's going to go to the game cupboard" on really cold days. Rock, Paper, Scissors usually decides that little contest. But mostly, we just drag a pile of games into the Living Room and they sit on the floor until the snow melts and the closet door opens without the aid of an ice pick and some WD40.
But anyway - my intention here is not to bore you with game details. I'm sure you have plenty of your own boring game details to keep you busy.
I just wanted to share something with you and see what you think ...
This is the scenario.
In my home, there are three of us. My Son, his Dad and Me.
Three is not an even number, I know. But it usually means that at times my son and his dad disagree with me; or my son and myself disagree with his dad (the more common scenario); or that when the wind is blowing at a right angle for more than five hours on the third Friday of a month that begins with "C" - his dad and myself agree.
So - why is it that EVERY TIME I bring a new game into the home which I can actually play, enjoy and - better yet - even win a time or two, do they dismiss it as "crap" and refuse to play again?
Is it a "girl" thing? Are my games not "manly" enough? Or do I live with two fragile male ego's that can not handle loss?
Just something to think about ...
But there is one thing I know for sure - whether they like it or not - they WILL play again.
I have my ways of persuasion.
Did anyone ever see the Shining?
Little Pigs, Little pigs ....
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